About us

Readers Coffee Shop is the business of making information available to the public, particularly the sale of Literature, music, or any information using both digital and non-digital media. In some cases, our authors may be their own publishers, meaning originators and developers of content also provide media to deliver and display their content. Rcs is organization which leads a Kuruman magazine.

We assist agency and entrepreneurships with the advent of digital information systems and the distribution, our scope of publishing has expanded to include electronic resources such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as micropublishing, website, blogs, video publishing, and music promo.

Our Publishing house includes the following stages of development: acquisition, copy edit, production, printing, marketing, and distribution. 


Our team

O Mabale picture

O Mabale


R Mereotlhe

Personal Assistent

M Lingen

Sales Manager